Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Beacon of Light

Leonardo Da Vinci was by far one of the most revolutionary people of the Renaissance. He was not only a painter, but a scientist, architect, inventor, astronomer and probably much more that we are not aware of. His creative imagination and ingenuity acted as a beacon light, leading the people of Europe away from the middle ages and into the Renaissance. Da Vinci heightened the knowledge in every field of study he encountered. He inspired the way people painted with the Mona Lisa. He made life (and exploring it) easier with his multiple inventions. He opened new doors and revealed new insights in the field of science. He altered the way people would design buildings and contributed to the world of astronomy, all in about 60 years. One could say that Leonardo was the sun, in the solar system of the Renaissance. His life and achievements truly characterize him as a Renaissance man.

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